
16th Week of Advance English Engineering

This is the last meeting on advance english engineering course in this semester. In the last meeting there are eight groups which haven't presented their research. So this time we finished the research presentation which there are 8 groups presented their research in front of the class.

One by one, groups present their reseacrh randomly in front of the class. And at last all groups have been presented. Then Mr. Aji gives the students some clue to do the final exam. So the students are Ready for final exam. Thank you Mr. Aji for this semester.


15th Week of Advance English Engineering

meeting 15
26 november 2014

Today is the 16th meeting of English course engineering 2.
Students will follow the lecture began to arrive until 12pm. soon lecturers came and learning begins.

Today is the third day to make a presentation results of the research plan has been carried out every member of the group.
until this week, has been about 5 group that has been advanced to show the presentation. On this day expected there are about 4 groups also advanced so that the group can not advance,  can forward when the last week without exception.

time goes on, and there are about 2 has advanced presentation. The next on the third presentation, our group's turn to get ahead. our group then forward to convey the results of the research planning that we have made with the title "Laptop's Role for the State University of Malang's Students" for 25 minutes.
as usual, our group is led by a moderator who will set the course of the presentation and a note taker who will read the conclusion at the end of the presentation of other group members.

on the question and answer session, there are two students who ask questions. then we answer it in turns.
after our group finished, the next lecture is terminated by another group has come forward to make a presentation. so come to the meeting today, there are about 9 groups already doing a presentation, and the rest will continued last week.


14th Week of Advance English Engineering

Today is the 14th meeting on the course of English engineering. Learning starts around 12:00. The students began to arrive meets the classroom, and soon professor came. Learning begins, but there are also some students who arrive late.

Lecture continued with display presentation of research planning each group as the value of midterms. If the previous week which appeared only one group, then today is expected to more than 3 group and the last group is a group of us. As usual, each group developed will be headed by a moderator and minutes from other groups. and the other group will be given the opportunity to ask.
Time goes, until finally had 3 groups of advanced displays the results presentation. and on the 4th penamilan is our group. as is the case with other groups, we show the results of our research planning that has been made. The time comes when the other group will be asked and it turns out there are 2 people who ask. questions, we answer in turn. Our group became the cover in lecture today. and when we finished the presentation, the lecture was over and will be continued at a meeting next week.


13th Week of Advance English Engineering

Today is the 13th meeting of English course engineering. Lecture starts around 12:00. All students have been prepared to accept the course of this week. Today is a day to show a presentation on planning research that has done with members of the group last week.

The result of an advanced group presentations, will serve as the midterm test scores. presentation is a group, so that the value in the group will be the same.When there are an advanced group, the members of the other group allowed to ask in order to get additional value. and advanced members, then answered questions from other groups will also receive an additional value.

Today a group of advanced displays the results presentation, only one group because our lecturer there are suddenly interest. Advanced group will be guided by other groups designated as moderators and note taker. group that developed and that the moderator and note taker will be assigned randomly. At the end of a presentation the note taker will deliver the conclusions that have been recorded from the group forward.


12th Week of Advance English Engineering

Today is the 12th meeting in the course English engineering 2. And on this day, not all students incoming. as usual lecture begins at around 12 noon. After the lecture begins, the lecturer tell students to make a report of research plans as the value of midterms at the next meeting. tasks are carried out by the group, and an active student will be given an additional value. Students who are not allowed to bring the presentation text. so the presentation must be prepared. All groups should be advanced randomly.

After that followed the lecture about the review of foreign tourists. each group should present advanced correction review movie of malam jumat kliwon with foreign tourists. group advanced to explain the wrong section, and after justified. When there is an advanced group, other groups are allowed to ask. ask the things that are poorly understood by the exposure of the presentation.


11th Week of Advance English Engineering

29 october 2014

Today is the 11th meetings of the lecture English engineering 2. Today no lecture that lecturer given as usual. because lecturer have interests that must be implemented, then in this lecture the students were simply told to prepare a research plan last week made ??into a power point presentation in the classroom for two weeks to come as the value of midterms. And the coming week is going to discuss about the review of foreign tourists. then lecture ended.



9th Week of Advance English Engineering

15 October 2014

Today is the ninth meeting in the lecture english engineering 2. All the students looked ready to accept the science that will be provided by the lecturer, and as usual lecture started at 12 am. Lecture today still discuss about the review of foreign tourists. last week a group that developed in front of the class will tell you the results of the review and then another group will ask things that are poorly understood.

However at this meeting, it is still about the review of foreign tourists but a little different. one group read the review forward will be asked. they would ask other groups randomly so that other groups should really pay attention to what is delivered. as random, then there is a group that is often asked by a group of advanced and there are groups that are not designated at all.
the end of lecture the lecturer gives a new task to perform research plan or observation plans relating to the ITC. research plans are filled on:
-the number of