
4th Week of Advance English Engineering

10 September 2014

Today is wednesday, it's time to learn with Advance English of Engineering. It is not as usual the class begin at 11.50 am because Mr Aji gives a time to the student to pray first. The students pray dhuhur in mosque before the class begin. At 12 o'clock all students have been in the class and the class begin.

At 12 o'clock Mr. Aji starts the lesson about CV. Do you ever heard CV? CV or Curriculum Vitae provides an overview of a person's experience and other qualifications for the job, or someting else. Mr. Aji tells the class about what is CV, UK's Curriculum Vitae format, US's resume (CV called resume in USA) format and what is the structure of the CV. It seems Umi and Ayik is very enthusiastic with Mr. Aji's explanation because they think it will useful in the future.

UK's Curriculum Vitae has a reference to someone to prove that person has the ability which written in CV. Meanwhile in US's version, CV which name resume doesn't need reference. Mr Aji points that a CV doesn't contain age, religion, date of birth, gender.

After Mr Aji tells the class all about CV, Mr. Aji asks the students to create a CV. Let us see what Umi writes on her CV.


Personal Information
Name               : Umi Khalifah
Address           : Sumber sari 7B, Number 12.
Mobile              : 087868786786
Email Address : khalifah_umy@yahoo.co.id

To find a role as a teacher at a vocational high school of purbalingga, who are ready to devote themselves to add experience and develop or apply knowledge that has been acquired in universities. Become a valuable asset for the people I may work with and able to develop and mature with every task which I will face ahead.

A graduate student of electrical engineering department, state university of malang.

Education and Qualification
2012 –2016     : Electrical Engineering Departement On State University Of Malang.
2009–2012      : Senior High School No.1, Purbalingga
2006–2009      : Junior High School No.1, Sumbang
Work Experience
2013–2016 : members of an organization korp voluntarily ( Korp Sukarela / KSR ), State University Of Malang.
2014–2015 : one of the head department in Formadiksi (Forum Mahasiswa Bidikmisi, State University Of Malang.
May – Juni 2014:Internships in BPD LAPAN, Watukosek.
2012 –2013 : Members of an organization in a chaplaincy of engineering faculty (FUSI).
- english (TOEFL : 364 )
Good keyboard skill (microsoft word, microsoft excel, microsoft access, microsoft power point) visual basic, adobe flash, adobe photoshop, programming.

Reading novels,  music, traveling, meeting new people.

Available upon request
In the end of the lesson Mr. Aji gives the student a homework. The homework are make CV based on dream and compare UK's Curriculum Vitae with Indonesian's Curriculum Vitae. Ayik and Umi later do the homework and they found the comparison between Curriculum Vitae and Indonesia version of Curriculum Vitae.The comparasion of Indonesian’s CV and UK’s CV :

  1. Indonesian’s CV permits to include age, date of birth, gender, religion, height, weight, nationality, and hobby but the UK’s CV doesn’t permit that things.
  2. Indonesian’s CV allows to contain a photo but UK’s CV does not.
  3. Indonesian’s CV education qualification starts from the elementary education up to latest education but UK’s CV starts from the latest education.
  4. Elementary education on Indonesian’s CV allowed to display but UK’s CV doesn’t

Then Ayik and Umi create a curriculum vitae based on their dream. These are Ayik's CV based on his dream:


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